How To Downgrade iOS 7 To iOS 6.1.3 / iOS 6.1.4

Apple unveiled the new innovative simple, elegent and most advanced iOS operating system at WWDC. The new iOS 7 is available as beta for iPhone for developers. I can see most of the iOS users activated their UDID to install iOS 7 on their iPhone. iOS 7 has amazing visual elements and added functionality. The elements are beautiful, typography is good,  simple and stunning. Apple also added some features like facetime audio calls, torch, mission control, automatic app updates and flat icons and lot more.

According to me, iOS 7 is best on iPhone 5, because it has a powerful hardware. Much expected visual element, transparency in missing on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Every operating system is hardware dependent. There are some features like Airdrop and live wallpapers and weather animations are only available for iPhone 5.  Many reported that, there are lots of bugs to be addressed for old devices.

If you are using iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S to install and try iOS 7 beta, you can feel your phone is slow and lag. I installed iOS 7 on my iPhone 4. App dock is supposed to be transparent but it is grey in color. My phone also restarted for 3 times. Third party apps are opening slow in older devices and frequent crash. Some of the graphical elements are overlapping.

I advice not to try iOS 7 on older phones. If your are using iPhone 4/4S as main device please don’t install iOS 7 beta . Since my iPhone is my main phone I downgraded iOS 7 to iOS 6.1.3. If you want to try iOS 7 please wait for next beta or wait for final release of iOS 7.


Downgrade iOS 7 To iOS 6.1.3 /iOS 6.1.4 (iPhone 5)

  • Goto apple download page and download your latest firmware  – iOS 6.1.3 (iPhone 4/4S) – iOS 6.1.4 (iPhone 5) (Latest Public Release)
  • Open iTunes on your PC or Mac and connect your phone.
  • Select your device, use Option + Click (Mac Users) or Shift + Click (Windows users)  on restore button and select the iOS 6.1.3 or iOS 6.1.4 .ipsw file.
  • Now your device will be successfully restored to iOS 6.1.3 (iPhone 4/4S) or iOS 6.1.4 (iPhone 5)


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